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  • Writer's pictureErica

Unbalanced Chakras

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Did you know when you feel unbalanced you are out of alignment and your chakra(s) may be blocked. There are 7 main energy chakras and they are located throughout our body and they are connected to a specific aliment. Starting from the top of the head to the root of the spine. Chakra is a Sanksrit word referring to "wheel" or "circle", it refers to the wheels of energy transferred throughout the body. Staying true and having pure intentions will keep you balanced and your Chakras aligned,

7 Chakras - The Life Force Energy Centers

Crown (Spirituality)

Third Eye (Awareness)

Throat (Communication)

Heart (Love, Healing)

Solar Plexus (Energy, Wisdom, Power)

Sacral (Sexuality, Emotions)

Root (Grounding, Security)

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